Saturday, May 30, 2009

Nine Months and Counting.

Nine months and counting... Cruz is growing so fast. His new best friend is Solo, they follow each other around all day. Cruz plays with all of Solo's toys and Solo eats all the food Cruz drops, it's a perfect relationship. Cruz can stand while holding onto furniture and as of this week can stand unsupported for a few seconds. He transfers from coffee table to couch to chair and back to the couch looking for the remote or phone or any sort of "adult" toy. He recently started handing items back for me to use like the phone and sharing his food with me, slimy cheerios, yuck! He can say da-da and ba-ba but no ma-ma yet. His resume of baby tricks is extensive, he claps, gives kisses, plays motor boat with his mouth, dances, collects lids of all shapes and sizes, loves electronics and spends all his spare time eating and sleeping. We’re looking forward to camping at San Clemente State Beach next month and grandma and grandpa Wilkinson coming to visit in August.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cruz Updates.

Our first mother's day together; coffee, scones and shopping.

Family day.

Cruz on the go, he's so fast!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Boy's Day.

Tuesday, May 5th was Boy's Day in Japan (and in Los Osos). And in Japanese tradition we hung our "Koinobori" carp streamer outside our house. Each young boy living in the house gets a carp flag and they are hoisted for weeks around May 5th to symbolize courage and ambition and recognizes the tale of the carp who swam all the way to heaven to become a dragon. Thank you to Yuka who gave us the Koinobori and shared her wisdom about the tradition.