Saturday, March 28, 2009

7 Months Old.

Cruz is 7 months old today and lots of new exciting things have happened. Cruz has 5 teeth, 2 on the top and 3 on the bottom. He has developed his own food rating system, sweet potatoes and green beans get a wide open rating, bananas and rice receive a barely open, I'll eat them if I have to rating and peas get a closed, absolutely not opening rating. His little personality is shining though, he smiles at everyone and loves his daddy, in fact his favorite word to babble is "da, da, da, da". He can get up on his  hands and knees and as of yesterday he can rock and roll, moving back and forth, but no crawling yet. He can sit up on his own if I lay him on his stomach and he can do a dead leg crawl, pulling himself forward and dragging his legs behind him. Oh and the best new milestone we have reached is he is now sleeping though the night! Yeah, mom and dad thank you Cruz!


Correne Quigley-Faysal said...

Cruz is soooo cute! He looks so handsome. He really doesn't like peas? Ellissa LOVES them, especially when pureed with spinach.

Sam said...

He's grown so much and I was just there three weeks ago. Miss you guys. He looks so darn handsome. :)